Darkest dungeon provision calculator
Darkest dungeon provision calculator

darkest dungeon provision calculator

Corridors that have already been explored still reduce light by 6.

  • Also torch restores 25 light and each corridor reduces light by 6 - there are 4 corridors between rooms so 1 torch should restore the light lost while traveling between rooms.
  • It is recommended to carry one torch for embarks in warrens.
  • Lack of food will result in stress and loss of health.
  • It is advisable to carry enough food for each mission (8\12\12).
  • The first time it happened the provision screen looked broken with no items and all the costs at the bottom (they were huge numbers too for some reason). Firewood is automatically provided for some missions and cannot be obtained otherwise. After installing the butchers circus my game crashes when I go get provisions (Its a modded save, it works fine in unmodded ones).

    darkest dungeon provision calculator

    Items can be purchased here for use during the mission - after the mission any remaining provisions will automatically be sold. I rarely bother with curios because my inventory is going to be maxed out anyway.except on shorter apprentice runs where the return on the price isn't worthwhile due to less loot dropping on average.The Provisions menu is accessed after the player has chosen a mission, a four hero group, and clicked on the 'Embark' button. Used to always keep one in medium or longs, but even then I'd frequently not find it. I don't know if a key is still worth bringing now that secret rooms are less common. Also herbs for cove, in case of coral or getting hit by those fiendish traps. Used to be 2/3/4 everywhere but it changed.īandages for non-apprentice cove runs, unless you've got a plague doctor. 2/3/4 for weald or cove, maybe 1/2/3 for ruins, and it seems warrens have almost given up on blockage checks. Literally half my inventory.ġ6 or so torches for a medium explore, 12 for a medium kill quest.Ģ0 torches for a long explore, 16 for a long kill. Before there were limits I'd do things like buy 90 food for a long mission. 3 The Hamlet 3.1 The Abbey, The Tavern and what to be aware of 4 Before Entering a Dungeon 4.1 Choosing an Expedition 4.2 Provisions 5 The Dungeons 5.1 Exploring 5. How many provisions to bring How many bottles of holy water, herbs, and, keys do people recommend bringing to a medium or longer length dungeon in order to benefit from curios Is anything else, other than torches and food worth bringing Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments Melcadrien 1:07am That typically is up to you.

    Darkest dungeon provision calculator